Jetray is a lightweight toolkit that enables the rapid creation, development and deployment of JavaScript-centric (ok, React and Angular) portlets for Liferay DXP.
Jetray is built around the tools you’re familiar with (yeoman, npm, gulp, webpack) from a standard UX development environment, but also supports using Gradle as a primary build system and hides all the gory details of deploying your portlets into the Liferay DXP server environment. You can also use techniques like “watch” and “live reload” for your portlet-based development.
Getting started
The following is a quick outline of the steps needed to generate an Angular or React portlet using Jetray:
Clone the git repository
Navigate to the Jetray repository on GitHub and clone the project into a local directory in your local filesystem.
Install the required npm packages
Ensure that you have installed node, and also have installed the node packages yo and gulp-cli globally
Make the freshly cloned directory (a Yeoman generator) visible to NodeJS and Yeoman
cd into the freshly cloned directory from step #1 and run 'npm link'.
Create your new portlet
Create a new portlet project directory, cd into it, and run 'yo jetray' and answer the prompts.
Build your new portlet
After portlet generation and the installation of required packages (step 4) is complete, simply run 'gulp build'.
Deploy your new portlet to Liferay DXP
Run 'gulp deploy', then login to Liferay and add your shiny new portlet to a page. It's that easy!
Edit the sample portlet to meet your requirements
Study the generated example portlet and change it as needed to meet your own specific requirements. Then repeat the 'gulp build' and 'gulp deploy' steps as needed.